Minggu, 10 April 2016


Assalamua’laikum Wr. Wb.

Respectable the teacher, and my friends whom i love. In the name of Allah SWT  the most gracious, marciful, so we can attend and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacles.
Sholawat and salam always be presented to our prophet and the best person in the world Muhammad SAW who has guided us from JAHILIYA ERA to the ISLAM ERA, from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness. Namely ISLAM is true religion that we love forever.
I dont forget to say thank so much for Mrs.Edah who has give me chance to stand in front of you all i’d like to deliver my specch under the tittle is A School that counts.


Whatever school, to be a good school, it craves good management and leadership. It needs rich human resources and social support, it must  be led and managed by good headmaster, it must own productive and qualified (imaginative, creative, innovative, visionary, mindful, masterful, skillful, professional, entrepreneurial, nationalistic, religious and spiritual) teachers and staffs, it also must be supported by entrepreneurial members of school committee.

A school that counts is a school that makes its student learn, shift, move and change better and bette every day, every week, every mounth and every year. That makes its student more mindful, skillful and powerful. That make its students visionary, learning personality, fun and happy, growing, inspiring and sparkling, intellectual, entrepreneurial, religious and spiritual.

But finally, a school that counts is a school that its head masters, teachers, staffs and students are highly motivatied to learn and study, to read, write and memorize, to observe and experiment, to creat and invent, to renew and innovative, to change and transform, to shift and move, to change and grow, to improve and develop, to grant and give, to help and save, solve, overcome and handle its handicaps, barriers and challenges, to save and love, to entrepreneur and spiritualize.

That’s all from my speech, i hope my speech can be useful after here after. Thank for your nice attention.

Wassalamua’laikum Wr. Wb.

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